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Join the Movement to #LoveYourLadyBits

In our last blog, Ladies, we need to talk about our vaginas we asked why it’s important to start the discussion around vaginal health.

With 34% of women stating that they are too embarrassed to talk about vaginal health conditions even with their mum*, we’ve decided to launch a movement to #LoveYourLadyBits

We’ve joined forces with a tribe of health experts & influential ladies to empower women to #LoveYourLadyBits and remove the stigma attached to vaginas.

Joining the movement is Endometriosis Australia Ambassador Erin Alysha Barnett @erin.alysha, Nutritionist Liv Crumpton @livnutritious, Aussie TV Star Lisa Clark @iamlisaclark, & Sexual Health Educator, Melissa Vranjes @melissavranjes.

Yes, we are on a mission to end vaginal shame once & for all and thrilled to be working with these like-minded women to open up conversations about this important part of women’s health and wellness. These lovely ladies will encourage you all to include vaginal care into your own self-care routines and open up about any vaginal health issues you might be facing.

When asked to join the campaign, Erin told us “As women, we need to shift our thinking around traditionally ‘taboo’ subjects & embrace our bodies. I’m thrilled to partner with Kolorex® to launch the #LoveYourLadyBits campaign which is empowering women to talk about our vaginal health, loud & proud!”.

Melissa, a well-known feminine wellbeing educator said, “When you think about it, our bodies are pretty miraculous & can tell us everything we need to know, if we listen. In a culture where we’re starting to talk more openly about periods & sex, its great Kolorex® are campaigning to end the hesitation to use the word ‘vagina’. It all starts with open communication, education, de-stigmatisation, & this is a conversation I’m really happy to be a part of”.

So come join the #LoveYourLadyBits movement. We believe everyone has a role to play when it comes to amplifying and destigmatising the subject of vaginal health.
And it starts with you. Even it’s offline – prioritise self-care & show your lady bits some love today.

*Her Publication, 2020.

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